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LRD Update Their Stress And Mental Health at Work Guide For Union Safety Reps

Stress has become one of the principal by-products of the modern workplace, and despite so much now being known about work related stress, few employers seem to take the issue seriously. In fact, given the inherent prac tice by HJR departments and private HR companies to use sickness monitoring tools in a punitive manner, akin only to the old ‘beating of the drum’ on oar driven battleships; which was a way of maximising the speed of the oarsmen’s rowing.

The fact is that working people are being driven to illness and simply discarded when they become sick as a result.

Pic: LRD Guide CoverNow LRD have updated their 2011 version of their booklet, Stress and mental health at work - a guide for trade union reps. The 64 page booklet can be ordered direct form LRD's website.

Last month, CWU Annual Conference 2014 once again debated the issue, as it has done nearly every consecutive year, in Motion 116:

"With work related stress becoming more prevalent, conference recognises that this could well become the dominant health issue of a generation.

Conference therefore asks that a campaign in all businesses where the CWU represents members should be undertaken to gain recognition that this is a growing problem and that all businesses carry out the HSE stress risk assessment questionnaire at the earliest opportunity."

Dave Joyce, National Health, Safety& Environment Officer wrote in his letter to branches (LTB318/14) promoting the new LRD stress guide:

“In recent years work-related stress has been compounded by the effects of the recession and the coalition government's austerity programme and anti-health and safety strategy.

As a result, millions of people remain worried, stress and suffering anxiety about their jobs and income and the rise of insecure and precarious work.

Union Reps and Safety Reps have a key role to play in ensuring that employers and managers take their responsibilities to tackle work-related stress seriously.”

The updated LRD booklet, provides reps with information and advice written from a trade union perspective, together with practical examples of how unions and reps are tackling work-related stress across a range of industrial and service sectors and in a variety of workplaces.

A detailed chapter list of the 64 page booklet and the opportunity to buy it can be found here

Source: LRD / CWU / Unionsafety

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